What are the top paying jobs in San Diego, California? Like in many cities some of the top paying jobs include positions as attorneys, health care professionals, and engineers.

Some of the best paying positions in health care include positions as obstetricians and gynecologists, who average more than $180,000 annually; surgeons, who make more than $170,000; other physicians and surgeons, who average $162,000; family and general practitioners, who earn $159,000, and pediatricians, who earn $153,000. Some of the people in these fields work for companies on some lists of the best places to work in San Diego, such as Palomar Pomerado Health and Scripps Health. Both companies are also some of the largest employers in the area. Podiatrists earn $125,000 per year. Dentists earn $130,000.

Attorneys in the city average $124,080 per year. Other people in the legal field who have some of the top paying jobs in San Diego include adjudicators, administrative law judges, and hearing officers—all of whom average more than $115,000 annually. Although it was not listed as one of the largest employers in the area, with between 100 and 499 employees, Gordon and Rees, LLP, was one law firm listed as one of the best places to work in San Diego.

Chief executives in the city average more than for any other position in San Diego, except obstetricians and gynecologists, at $172,260.

Air traffic controllers in San Diego earn an average of $119,500.

Engineering managers, who are often involved in many areas including product development, construction, manufacturing, technology, average $116,280 per year.

You can search for positions in Downtown San Diego and in a variety of areas on the 619area.com job search page. There are tools to help make you make your resume effective, search effectively for a job, get a salary report, and many more.